Learning resources
These resources are designed to support your class' visit to The National 2019. They include pre-visit, post-visit, and in gallery activities.
All three institutions worked collaboratively to write these six resources. Each resource focuses on an artwork. They are aimed at secondary level learners, but can be adapted to primary and tertiary levels. The six resources consist of inquiry questions and creative learning activities that can be done in gallery and after visiting The National 2019.
Pre-visit questions
- What might you see or experience today?
- Why do you think the exhibition is called The National?
- What do you know about contemporary art?
- What would you like to know about contemporary art?
Reflection and post-visit questions
- Give feedback about your visit to the gallery using the symbols of a suitcase, a recycle bin and a question mark.
- Suitcase: what thoughts, feelings or ideas will you take home with you from your visit to The National 2019?
- Recycle bin: what gave you a new perspective or what extended what you previously knew?
- Question mark: what new questions do you have from the visit? How can you find out the answer to them?

Daisy Japulija, Sonia Kurarra, Tjigila Nada Rawlins & Ms Uhl (WA)
Exhibiting at: Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Consider emotions you feel in connection to a place and express these emotions in a visual form.

Fayen d'Evie (VIC)
Exhibiting at: Art Gallery of New South Wales
Create a collaborative publication in which words and phrases are abstractly translated through performative body actions and sounds for people of all abilities, using Fayen d'Evie's Essays in Vibrational Poetics for inspiration.

James Nguyen (NSW)
Exhibiting at: Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA)
Develop empathy with people’s experiences of crossing borders by composing your own poem that expresses contrasting ideas and feelings.

Sam Cranstoun (QLD)
Exhibiting at: Carriageworks
Create a collage of images and text that represents your version of utopia.

Selma Nunay Coulthard, Noreen Hudson, Clara Inkamala, Reinhold Inkamala, Vanessa Inkamala & Gloria Pannka from Iltja Ntjarra Many Hands Art Centre (WA)
Exhibiting at: Art Gallery of New South Wales
Consider the impact of introduced species as well as the impact agricultural, land and water management practices have on the cultural, environmental and political landscape.

Tony Albert (NSW)
Exhibiting at: Carriageworks
Interpret someone else's story through drawing as a strategy to develop empathy with First People’s histories and experiences.